Most memorable capture:
My first ever carp, I will never forget the feeling when's alarms went screaming off! The bend in my rod (baring in mind the biggest thing I had caught to date was a 2lb bream!). I netted it and couldn't believe how beautiful it was, it was just a small common but I didn't want to put it back. Since that moment I've been well and truly hooked.
Funniest moment on the bank: I'm always having a laugh but you can't help but giggle when the fish fight back! I remember I'd just pulled My first 20lb carp out and a few dog walkers stopped to watch. As I tried to hold it up for a photo its started thrashing so I held it close to my body but somehow he managed to pull my top down, flashing the innocent bystanders. The look of disgust from the dog walkers was the icing on the cake and definitely made my day. Fishing is my passion and it's my little piece of heaven. Getting out on the bank is a great achievement for me, I have a 1 year old daughter and being a mum is my priority but I think fishing is for families. My brother was a great teacher and I can not wait to pass my knowledge down to my little girl ( I'm already eyeing up a mini shimano rod and reel). It's not just the catch for me it's everything leading up, setting up, baiting an area sitting and waiting not knowing what's below the surface. I'm not super serious and it's not a bad day if I blank because I know I will get back out there next week and get to try again.