Most memorable capture:
This would have to be a Siamese Carp that I landed over in Thailand at the end of 2011 from Stuart Gilham’s holiday resort. It weighed in at 55lb and was a mega battle, fighting for twenty minutes or so. My arms were aching like crazy afterwards; a great memory.
Funniest moment on the bank:
This was during the World Catfish Classic 2012 when myself and team-mate Jason Ingley were in the water holding a catfish whilst the media took some pictures. Jason was still wearing his life jacket which was one of those packed down types that is triggered by water. He completely forgot he was wearing it and as he bent down to pick the fish up, the lifejacket touched the water and inflated! It was caught on dvd and uploaded to Youtube on one of the World Catfish Classic films, it’s priceless!